
/Yolanda Lindner

About Yolanda Lindner

Danielle Lindner, is an educator, children’s book author, award winning woman entrepreneur and visionary, changing the landscape for early childhood education. One of her first projects she embarked on to create disruption in the current fields of early childhood education was to create The London Day School®.

HELP!! My Two Year Old Can’t Read!

As seen in November 2010 - The Alternative Press– Nursery U - Danielle Lindner Recently I was asked by a parent of a two year old, what she can do to make sure that her daughter is an early reader.  She stressed how inquisitive, intelligent and aware her daughter is and how she always enjoys [...]

By |Categories: Parenting|

Bringing the World Back in Focus for Our Children: The Joys of Being Bored

When I was growing up, days seemed just a little bit longer, an hour at the dinner table felt like four as we all sat at the table together as family, waiting for everyone to be done to be excused. Summers were endless days of playing outside until it finally turned dark, the ice cream [...]

By |Categories: Brining the world back into focus|

Miss Danielle’s New Parenting Tips Series

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How to Get my Child to Sleep

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How to Choose a Preschool

What Do I Do if My Child Isn’t Reading

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